[TAS] GB Mega Man V by Tremane & Mothrayas in 39:21.26


[TAS] GB Mega Man V by Tremane & Mothrayas in 39:21.26

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3583M.html. TAS originally published on 2017-12-19.

This is the final installment of classic Mega Man games on the Game Boy, and the first Super Game Boy Mega Man game. Unlike the four earlier Game Boy games which copied a lot from their NES counterparts, Mega Man V has all new enemies and bosses: you fight the Stardroids, robots from outer space named after the planets of the solar system (note that Pluto was considered a planet at the time). Unlike every other classic Mega Man game, Dr. Wily is not the final boss and our hero uses the Mega Arm instead of the Mega Buster.

Tremane and Mothrayas (http://tasvideos.org/Mothrayas.html) improve the previous movie (http://tasvideos.org/2435M.html) by 41.83 seconds, thanks to overall better lag management, sub-pixel optimisation, as well as new tricks and strategy changes.



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