The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time | All Medallions TAS in 53:17.94 (RTA Timing) by TheTasMaster


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time | All Medallions TAS in 53:17.94 (RTA Timing) by TheTasMaster

Wow, what a project this was. This is my third Full-Game TAS of Ocarina of Time, although this one took a slightly different approach. This is a category called All Medallions, of which the goal is to simply beat the game as quickly as possible, while also acquiring every medallion by either going to every adult dungeon and getting them that way, or by writing them into our inventory by using a glitch called Reverse Bottle Adventure, also known as RBA.

This TAS was the result of 3 months of hard work on the game, and I am quite happy with this result. This category, however, forced me to use a lot of RNG Manipulation for things like Cuccos, Bomb drops, Rupees, etc, but I say it was worth the effort.

I really enjoyed making this TAS, and I hope you enjoy watching it!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments and I will try to answer as soon as I possibly can.

Here are my comments on this run, as well as an explanation for each area:

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