(TAS) Wii Sports Tennis- 999 Points: Max Score Possible【Returning Balls】


(TAS) Wii Sports Tennis- 999 Points: Max Score Possible【Returning Balls】

TAS stands for Tool Assisted Speedrun/Tool Assisted Superplay.

Back with more Wii Sports! This time I maxed out the score of the tennis training mode, Returning Balls. This actually took me several hours to complete (including multiple dolphin errors DX). The wiimote sucks on dolphin as well, which explains the random flailing of the racket on most hits lol.

I did not speed up this video to shorten the length because I would have needed to insert music. This most likely would have resulted in copyright claims, which I am trying to stay away from. Odds are I will still get a copyright claim anyway :((((



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