Barn find VW Golf mk1 1979 TAS pulled out after 15 years of sitting.


Barn find VW Golf mk1 1979 TAS pulled out after 15 years of sitting.

So the story goes this car was bought new from TAS here in Sarajevo by a doctor, he originaliy orderd a diesel 1,5 mk1 but they were sold out and he got him self this one a 1,1. He drove the car everyday, time goes on he passed away and the car was left to his son (the guy with a white shirt and glasses) he drove the car as a daily, then war started in Bosnia he parked the car in the garage where it sat for 4. Then the war ended in 1995 and he drove it as a daily again and in 2003 he parked the mk1 in the garage and bought a new car. then it sat, and after 2 years of me trying to change his mind to sell me the mk1 and he finally did. 15 of september 2018 i bought this mk1 after sitting for 15 years in a garage as a project car. Anes (Red BBS mk2) helped me pull it out of the garage and Dzihad (Shitty camera man) recorded it, and theres me in the garage in the mk1. I am not sure if i will post updates on the mk1 on YouTube, we will see.
P.S. Sorry for the shitty ass filming blame Dzihad 🙂
Greettings from Sarajevo



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